Fixing WordPress Failed to Write File to Disk Error

wordpress failed to write file to disk

If you've stumbled upon the troublesome wordpress failed to write file to disk in your WordPress site, there's no need to fret. Despite its frustration, this issue is manageable with a few straightforward actions. Within this guide, we'll delve into the root causes behind this error and present three effective solutions to resolve it. From deciphering why the common WordPress error arises to implementing fixes, we've got you covered. By understanding the reasons behind this hiccup and applying the provided remedies, you can swiftly overcome this obstacle and resume smooth operations on your WordPress platform.

Why WordPress Is Erroring Upload: Failed to Write Disk

The wordpress failed to write file to disk in WordPress commonly surfaces when the platform encounters obstacles in writing files to the disk. This issue primarily stems from two key factors: inadequate permissions or insufficient disk space. WordPress requires proper permissions to write files to the server, and if these permissions are lacking, the upload process is impeded, leading to the error message. Similarly, when the available disk space on the server is limited, WordPress struggles to save uploaded files, resulting in the same error. Addressing these root causes is essential for resolving the issue. By ensuring that appropriate permissions are set for WordPress directories and freeing up disk space on the server, users can effectively mitigate the "Upload: Failed to Write File to Disk" error and restore seamless functionality to their WordPress sites.

Three Possible Solutions to Fix the WordPress Failed to Write File to Disk

1.Change the File Permissions of Your Uploads Directory: 

To rectify the Upload Failed to Write File to Disk error in WordPress, begin by adjusting the file permissions of your WordPress uploads directory. Access your hosting control panel or utilize an FTP client to navigate to the directory in WordPress. Once there, modify the permissions to ensure that WordPress has the necessary write access. This typically involves granting write permissions to the directory, allowing WordPress to save uploaded files successfully. By ensuring that the uploads directory is writable, you eliminate a common barrier to file uploads in WordPress. After adjusting the permissions, attempt to upload files again to verify that the error has been resolved. This straightforward solution often effectively addresses the issue, restoring normal functionality to your WordPress site and enabling seamless file uploads without encountering the error message.

Here are the steps to change the file permissions of your WordPress uploads directory:

  1. Access Your Hosting Control Panel or FTP Client: Log in to your hosting control panel or FTP client using your credentials.
  2. Locate Your WordPress Uploads Directory: Navigate to the directory where your WordPress website is hosted. Typically, this is the "public_html" directory or a subdirectory within it.
  3. Find the Uploads Directory: Within your WordPress directory, locate the "wp-content" folder. Inside "wp-content," you'll find the "uploads" directory.
  4. Modify File Permissions: Right-click on the "uploads" directory and select "File Permissions" or "Change Permissions" from the context menu. Alternatively, you can select the directory and look for a "Permissions" option in your FTP client's toolbar.
  5. Set Permissions to Allow Writing: In the permissions dialog box, ensure that the permissions are set to allow writing by WordPress. This typically involves setting the permissions to "755" or "777" (depending on your hosting provider's recommendations). Make sure to check the option to apply the permissions recursively to all files and subdirectories within the "uploads" directory.
  6. Save Changes: Once you've set the permissions, save your changes and close the permissions dialog box.
  7. Verify Permissions: Double-check that the permissions have been successfully applied to the "uploads" directory. You can do this by viewing the directory properties or permissions in your FTP client or hosting control panel.

By following these steps, you ensure that your WordPress uploads directory is writable, allowing WordPress to save uploaded files without encountering the wordpress failed to write file to disk.

2. Empty the WordPress Temporary Folder:

To resolve the Upload: Failed to Write File to Disk error in WordPress, it's essential to empty the WordPress temporary folder. Begin by navigating to your WordPress installation directory and locating the "wp-content" folder. Within "wp-content," you'll find the "uploads" folder. Access this folder and identify any temporary files or folders that may be present. These temporary files can accumulate over time and hinder the upload process. Delete these temporary files and folders to free up space and ensure smooth file uploads in the future. By regularly emptying the WordPress temporary folder, you prevent congestion and maintain optimal performance on your WordPress site. After clearing the temporary files, attempt to upload files again to verify that the error has been resolved. This simple yet effective solution helps alleviate the issue and ensures seamless functionality on your WordPress platform.

3. Upgrade Your Hosting Plan to Access More Disk Space:

If you continually encounter the wordpress failed to write file to disk in WordPress due to insufficient disk space, upgrading your hosting plan is a practical solution. By upgrading to a plan with more storage capacity, you ensure that your WordPress website has ample space to store files and data without encountering upload errors. A hosting plan with increased disk space provides the necessary resources to accommodate your growing website needs and prevents storage limitations from hindering file uploads. Before upgrading, assess your website's storage requirements and choose a hosting plan that aligns with your needs. Upgrading your hosting plan not only resolves the immediate issue of disk space limitations but also future-proofs your website against potential storage constraints, ensuring smooth operation and optimal performance in the long run.

By following these solutions, you can resolve the "Upload: Failed to Write File to Disk" error in WordPress and regain the ability to upload files to your website without encountering any further issues. Remember to always backup your website before making any changes to ensure the safety of your data.


In conclusion, while the WordPress wordpress failed to write file to disk can be annoying, it is not impossible. You can fix this error and resume seamlessly uploading files to your WordPress website by implementing these possible fixes: changing file permissions, deleting the temporary folder, or increasing your hosting package. Don't let technical difficulties prevent you from moving forward; take action right now to guarantee your WordPress site operates smoothly and performs at its best.

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