Solving WordPress Database Update Required Error for Your Website

Solving WordPress Database Update Required Error for Your Website

Is your WordPress website stuck in a frustrating loop saying WordPress database update required? This common issue can disrupt your site's functionality and leave you feeling helpless. Fear not! This guide will walk you through the common causes of this error and provide effective solutions to get your website back up and running smoothly.

Whether you're a seasoned WordPress user or a beginner, understanding the root of the problem is crucial for a successful resolution. Let's dive in and explore the steps to overcome this pesky error.

Why WordPress Database Update Required?

It becomes vital to update your database when you make frequent changes to your website and manually modify WordPress. Irritating problems like a dashboard that won't load or update failures can result from skipping this step.

Important data may also be lost as a result of these database-related mistakes. The good thing is that by maintaining an updated WordPress database, users can steer clear of these issues.

The Update Required Loop:

When you attempt to access the wp-admin after updating your WordPress base to the latest release, you can see the notice "Database update required." When you click "Update WordPress Database," the notice that says "No update needed; the database used by WordPress has been brought up to date" appears instead of the one that asks you to make changes to the WordPress database. The same "database update required" warning then shows up when you try to log into your WordPress admin panel again, preventing you from accessing your admin panel.

Locate the object-cache.php file in the wp-content subfolder of your WordPress setup, then rename or remove it to fix the issue. You will then be able to access WordPress admin properly once more.

Understanding the WordPress Database Update:

As previously said, you should only update the database of WordPress in the event that you make significant modifications to your website or encounter issues with it. Most of the time, WordPress will automatically recognise and notify you when your database needs to be updated.

Let's use upgrade WordPress manually as an example. WordPress may request that you update the database once you've made the necessary file updates. A dialogue box informing you that you must update your database will then show up.

All you need to do then is press Update WordPress Database, and the database will update itself without you having to do anything. The length of time it takes to finish this operation will depend on your internet connection and database size. Once the procedure is complete, your WordPress database update required and operational. You might, however, occasionally ignore this alert and have to check on yourself for changes.

Backup Before You Update:

Whatever the problems, WordPress will eventually require database upgrades. Before making any changes, it is advisable to make a backup of the database data on your web page. Your web host can help you create a backup of your database's contents so that your important data is safe during the upgrade process.

Why a Backup is Important?

Before we get into the how-tos, let me emphasise how important it is to make a backup before updating any database. There are multiple compelling arguments:

1. Avoiding data loss: Corruption and data loss could result from improper database modifications. In the event of a mistake, a backup ensures that you can go back to a reliable version. 

2. Plugin and theme conflicts: Certain modifications might not be compatible with your present plugins and themes, which may result in unanticipated problems. With a backup, you can restore your system to a working condition. 

3. Safety: Backups prevent hacking attempts and malware attacks. You can restore your website from a recent backup in the event that it becomes damaged while a database upgrade is being performed. 

4. Peace of mind: Having freshly made backups might provide users with peace of mind when making big modifications to your website also relaxing you for no more WordPress database update required notifications

5. Database backup is done manually: You can use phpMyAdmin or an equivalent database management tool for web proprietors to export the database as a.sql file. Because this procedure requires technical competence, use caution when utilising it.

6. File Backup: After gaining access to the files on the website via cPanel or FTP, download the WordPress installation directory. This will backup the uploads, plugins, and styles on your website.

WordPress Backup Plugins:

1. UpdraftPlus: You can arrange automatic backups with this popular plugin and save them on remote servers such as Dropbox, Google Drive, and Amazon S3.

2. BackupBuddy: Offers a comprehensive solution with migrating options and features like full site and database backups. Backup hosting providers: Some web providers provide weekly and daily automated backups. Before turning on this function, ensure that it is offered by your hosting provider.

3. Services for Cloud-Based Backups: With features such as immediate time backups and scheduled restore points, services such as Automattic's VaultPress provide peace of mind with no work.

Looking for more options? We have listed some of the best WordPress backup plugins in our previous tutorial. Do check them out!

How to Update WordPress' Database?       

Updating the database is necessary to keep WordPress at its most recent version. WordPress has made this process a lot easier, which is wonderful news.

Select the "Update WordPress Database" option once your WordPress installation is complete. The duration of this process may vary depending on the dimensions of your website.

Note: WordPress will only display the revision question if it determines that your browser should start the update process. Please make sure your website functions as it did before the change was made after it's finished. Verify that all of the content on your posts and pages has been updated correctly.

Troubleshooting database upgrade errors: When upgrading the WordPress database, there could be a number of issues that arise. Let's examine how to fix two of the most common problems: the "WordPress Database Update Required Loop" and the "No Update Required Loop."

A database update loop must be performed: Try one of the following solutions when clicking the "Update WordPress Database" button results in you seeing the same page repeatedly:

1. Modifying the file version.php:

  • Login to Your Database: How your database gets accessed will be decided by the company that provides the hosting. After logging into cPanel, search for the PHP My Admin option. Once it is open, choose the database name for your site from the list that appears, and proceed as directed.
  • Pick the WordPress Options Table: You will see a list of databases after logging in. Locate the wp_options table and select it.
  • Locate the db_value: You can scroll down to find the db_value field, which contains numerical numbers.

2. FTP Establishment with Your Server

  • Use your FTP passwords to connect to your server: Locate the value of $wp_db_version. Navigate to the root file, which is often public_html (though this could vary depending on your site's settings). Find public_html > wp-options > version.php to find the $wp_db_version.
  • Modify the file version.php: If the values of db_value and $wp_db_version match, you're set to go. If not, change the settings in the version.php file.
  • Modify the object-cache.php file name: Depending on whether your website has an active caching plugin that activates object caching, this method might not work.

3. Create a connection to your server with an FTP client:

You can use an FTP client such as Filezilla or Cyberduck. Your host will supply the necessary data (password, password, and public IP). Connect right away after entering the data.

  • Double-Check: Verify that everything is in order and that both your administrative panel and webpage are functioning properly. By following these guidelines, you should be able to update your database on WordPress and resolve common database update issues.
  • The Error Loop: If you receive an error message saying "No WordPress Database Update Required," don't panic. There are several ways to resolve this situation.
  • Get your cache removed: Cache issues are commonly attributed to the cause of this issue. A simple guide on how to empty that cache has been produced. Once all the steps have been completed, check your online presence to see if the problem has been resolved.
  • File Renaming for Object Caching: Locate the object-cache.php file.Search the root folder for the object-cache.php file. It might be in the folder for a cache plugin. Change the file's name: You can effectively deactivate a file by renaming it.
  • Reactivation of Object Caching: Go back to your admin interface and enable object caching again. You should then be prepared since, since object-cache.php, a fresh file will be produced.

Note: If the procedure above looks a bit complicated, don't alter anything unless you are familiar with interacting with WordPress.

4. Disabling Plugins

  • Renaming Folders: Use Filezilla and Cyberduck FTP clients to establish a connection to your server. Once you've joined the group, navigate to the wp-content root directory and change your plugins folder to "plugins_disabled."
  • Open wp-admin and log in: If the issue was caused by a third-party application, you should have access right now.
  • Turn off the plugin that is incompatible: One by one, reactivate each plugin until the problem is fixed once more. Once you have located the problem plugin, turn it off permanently.
  • Check your website and admin panel: Go over everything one more time to make certain everything is working as it should.

Verify Database Update Status

It's a good idea to check when your database was properly updated after you've regained access to the WordPress admin and your website. This avoids the WordPress database update required errors to reoccur. Perform these actions:

  • You may check if your database update is complete by adding "/wp-admin/upgrade.php" to the end of the URL for your website.
  • Put "" into your browser, for example, if the domain name of your website is ""
  • Look for the message about updates: If the WordPress data upgrade was effective, you'll be notified. After selecting "Continue," you are ready to go.

Understanding Failed or Stuck Database Updates

Database updates may fail for a number of reasons, such as plugin and design conflicts, corrupt tables, client timeouts, and RAM shortages. To effectively troubleshoot "WordPress Database Update Required" or "WordPress Database Update Failed", one needs to understand the fundamental cause of the failure.

  1. Common Symptoms: Discover how to recognise error warnings, white screens of death, a blocked and failed database update, and an unresponsive website. Then, take the steps needed to ascertain when things are moving in the correct direction.
  2. Turn off all the plugins and themes: Deactivate every plugin and select the theme that comes with it to see whether there is a conflict between plugins and themes. Try using premium WordPress themes that are compatible with most of the plugins to avoid such errors.
  3. Raise the PHP memory limit: When your memory limit is too low, you may be able to speed up the process of updating by increasing it in the wp-config.php file.

How to Fix Database Failure?

  • Identify the root cause: Check the error message that showed up if the upgrade failed. It could provide vital details on the issue.
  • Go back to a previous backup: When the failing update has serious consequences, restore to an older backup.
  • Contact Support: Ask your host and the WordPress support team for assistance if you've been unable to identify and resolve the problem on your own.
  • Corrections to Database Tables: Database tables can sometimes become damaged. You may correct them using tools like WP-CLI and phpMyAdmin.

How to Avoid Database Failure?

  • Regular Backups: Regular backups provide you with a safety net. Plan automated backups so you have current snapshots in case something goes wrong later.
  • Continue to update software: Update your WordPress plugins and themes frequently to minimise compatibility issues during updates.
  • Testing Conditions for Staging Environments: Consider creating a testing environment to test major changes before implementing them on the real site.
  • Avoid Scammed Emails: Phishing scams using database updates should also be avoided. If you have just received an email instructing you to update the database on your WordPress site right away, you need to act with caution.The email most likely doesn't come from a trustworthy source. Regarding the upgrade to the database phishing scam, everyone should be informed of this and know how to protect themselves.

Identifying Phishing Scams Related to WordPress Database Update Required: 

Phishing attacks are quite clever, and it appears that these emails originated from WordPress. But before you're taking any action, recognise these signs.

1. Typos:

Go through the email in its entirety. Typographical errors are mostly absent from legitimate WordPress messages, yet they are common in phishing scams.

2. Requests for Unauthorised Credentials:

If someone unexpectedly asks for your login credentials, proceed with caution. When you attempt to login to your admin panel, WordPress will be the only one to request that you sign in.

3. Unknown Deadlines:

There are no arbitrary deadlines in relationships with WordPress that are legitimate. On the other hand, phishing emails usually use deadlines to create a feeling of urgency.

4. Phishing for Logins:

A call-to-action link on these phishing messages usually directs the user to a seemingly reliable website that has been compromised. Their ultimate goal is to get your login credentials so they may insert harmful code, commonly known as backdoors, into your internet presence. You can alter your content, issue more phishing messages, or infect users of your website by utilising this malware. This scam has the ability to result in both financial damages and significant weaknesses in security.


Encountering the "WordPress database update required" error can be frustrating, but with the right knowledge, it can be resolved effectively. By understanding the common causes, such as corrupt database tables, plugin conflicts, or server-side issues, you can take the appropriate steps to rectify the problem.

Remember to prioritize backing up your website before making any significant changes. This safeguard ensures you can restore your site if any unforeseen issues arise. Additionally, keeping your WordPress core, themes, and plugins updated is crucial for maintaining website security and performance.

If you're looking to enhance your website's design and functionality, consider investing in a WP theme bundle. This bundles offer a wide range of professionally designed themes that are compatible with the latest WordPress versions. By choosing a reputable provider, you can streamline your website development process and access valuable resources like customer support and documentation.

Ultimately, resolving the "database update required" error empowers you to maintain a smooth-running website and deliver an exceptional user experience.

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