List of Best WordPress Product Comparison Plugin for your Affiliate Website 


Our upcoming blog is all about the coolest WordPress product comparison plugin for your affiliate website – the product comparison plugins. Think of them as friendly helpers that make comparing products super easy on your site. 

Imagine your users having a great time, effortlessly comparing products, and making smart choices. With customizable attributes that cater directly to your audience's needs, comparison buttons that make the process an easy job, and side-by-side tables that visually showcase product differences and similarities. We're not just upgrading your website; we're turning it into the best shopping experience for your customers. In our blog, we're picking out the best premium WordPress plugins that add that extra spark to your website. 

It's not just about products; it's about creating an interactive space where users feel in control and enjoy their shopping trip. Get ready to turn your website into a magnet for engagement and success with the coolest product comparison plugin on the block. 

List of WordPress Product Comparison Plugin: 

1. Ibtana-WooCommerce Product Add-Ons: 

Make your products stand out by giving users a personalized experience during comparisons with WordPress product comparison plugin. VW Themes takes customization to new heights, ensuring your affiliate offerings steal the show. 

In the world of online shopping, your affiliate website needs to be more than just present it should be engaging and unique. Meet VW Themes' WooCommerce Product Add-Ons, a plugin that turns your product pages into an innovative space. Let's explore the cool features that make this plugin a must-have for affiliate marketers.


  1. Gutenberg Premium Templates for WooCommerce Product Pages: Engage your audience with high-quality designs created specifically for WooCommerce pages, adding a touch of elegance and uniqueness to your product displays. 
  2. WooCommerce Product Template: Choose from five distinct product page templates, each crafted to showcase your products in a way that resonates with your audience. From FAQs to reviews and trust badges, these templates offer versatility at its best. 
  3. Product Rating: Give your users a voice by creating custom rating options for your product pages. Let them express their opinions uniquely, adding a personal touch to their shopping experience. 
  4. Add To Cart: Simplify the purchasing journey with the Add to Cart button. Easily integrate it into your product pages or templates using a straightforward drag-and-drop functionality. 
  5. Product Image: Elevate your product presentations with the Product Image block. Showcase your WooCommerce products with style and provide users with an advanced view by enabling zoom functionality on hover. 
  6. Product Price: Bring transparency to pricing with the Product Price block. Display current and regular prices with customizable options for colors, text, borders, and more, ensuring a clear and attractive presentation. 
  7. Product Review: Utilize the strength of customer reviews through the Product Review block. Showcase not just ratings but also the average star rating based on reviews, offering a comprehensive snapshot of product satisfaction. 
  8. Switch Editor: Switch between editors effortlessly with the Switch Editor feature, providing the flexibility to create your unique affiliate content. 

2. ProductX – WooCommerce Builder & Gutenberg WooCommerce Blocks from WordPress: 

This plugin is not just a tool; it's an experience. In Gutenberg blocks you can effortlessly craft a website that captivates users, making it easy for them to compare products. In today's e-commerce market, it's not enough to just exist; you need to stand out. ProductX, the WooCommerce powerhouse, emerges as a game-changer with a suite of features that redefine how you present and manage your affiliate products. It's a toolkit that makes showcasing and managing your products super simple and fun!


  1. WooCommerce Builder Blocks: Customize WooCommerce pages using attractive premade templates. Individual customization of blocks, including Product Title, Rating, Price, and more. 
  2. Additional WooCommerce Blocks: Explore diverse blocks like Product Filter, Product Search, and others for enhanced functionality. 
  3. WooCommerce Builder (Freemium): Dynamically redesign store pages with premade templates or create your own. Customization flexibility for a unique brand representation. 
  4. Quick View: Simplify product exploration with a quick view option. Enhance user experience by allowing visitors to view product details without navigating away. 
  5. WooCommerce Product Comparison: Facilitate side-by-side product comparisons for informed decisions. Empower shoppers with a comprehensive view of your product offerings. 

3. WCBoost – Products Compare from WordPress: 

WCBoost places user experience at the forefront. Easily explore product comparisons with customization options that make your affiliate website stand out.  In a competitive environment, being a standout affiliate means blending functionality with user engagement. That's where WCBoost – Products Compare comes in. It's a WooCommerce plugin that not only makes product comparisons simple but also amps up the user experience. Let's take a look at its special features that set it apart in the world of product comparisons. 


  1. Compare Widget: Streamlined integration with your website's layout, offering a widget for easy access to product comparisons. Provides users with at-a-glance information without navigating away from the current page. 
  2. Products Compare Bottom Bar: A persistent bottom bar that ensures users have continuous access to their product comparisons. Fosters user retention by making the comparison feature easily accessible throughout their browsing journey. 
  3. Compare Button on Single Product Pages and Catalog Pages: Integration of a prominent "Compare" button on individual product pages and catalog listings. Encourages users to initiate product comparisons effortlessly, driving engagement. 
  4. Fully Customizable Button: The "Compare" button is fully customizable to align with the aesthetics of your website. Maintain brand consistency and seamlessly integrate the feature into your overall design. 

4. Products Compare for WooCommerce from WordPress: 

Designed specifically for WooCommerce, this WordPress product comparison plugin transforms the process of comparison into a masterpiece. Users can quickly grasp product features, prices, and reviews, making their exploration of your affiliate products effortless. 

In the busy world of WooCommerce affiliate marketing, precision matters. Meet the Products Compare for WooCommerce plugin – a powerful tool designed to change how your users explore and judge products. Let's look at what makes this plugin special and how it can level up your affiliate website. 


  • Compare Page: Seamlessly integrated into your WooCommerce setup, the Products Compare plugin introduces a dedicated Compare Page. This centralized hub allows users to effortlessly view and analyze selected products side by side. 
  • Add to Compare Button: Streamline the user experience with the intuitive "Add to Compare" button. This feature empowers users to curate their personalized comparison list with a single click, enhancing engagement and interactivity. 
  • Widget with Selected Products to Compare: The plugin introduces a user-friendly widget, displaying the selected products for comparison. This real-time visual cue ensures that users are always aware of their chosen items, creating a seamless and interactive comparison journey. 
  • Select Attributes for Compare: Tailor the comparison experience by allowing users to select specific attributes for comparison. Whether it's price, features, or ratings, this feature ensures that users can focus on the details that matter most to them. 

5. Ever Compare – Products Compare Plugin for WooCommerce from WordPress: 

A constant companion, Ever Compare keeps users engaged with a persistent comparison bar. Navigate seamlessly and stay informed, making it a vital tool for any affiliate website.


  1. Select Your Ideal Compare Page:  Ever Compare puts users in control by allowing them to select their preferred comparison page, breaking free from rigid structures and providing a tailored comparison journey. 
  2. Custom Name for Your Compare Page: Inject a sense of individuality into the comparison process. Ever Compare stands out by enabling users to add custom names to their comparison pages, creating a unique and memorable experience.  
  3. Display the Compare Table Anywhere: Whether it's the homepage, product pages, or a dedicated comparison page – Ever Compare offers the freedom to showcase the comparison table anywhere on your website. It's all about giving users the information they need, right where they want it. 
  4. Shortcode brilliance: Ever Compare doesn't just stop at predefined locations; it empowers you to add the Compare button anywhere on a page using a simple shortcode. It's the epitome of user-friendly customization. 

6. Product Compare for WooCommerce from WordPress:



In the changing world of affiliate marketing, having the right tools matters. Meet Product Compare for WooCommerce, a plugin that not only makes things easy but changes how users compare products on your site. Let's check out all the cool features that make this WordPress product comparison plugin a must for every affiliate marketer:  


  1. Compare Button or Link with Text: Seamlessly integrate a compare button or link with customizable text, making it intuitive for users to initiate comparisons effortlessly. 
  2. Number of Products to Compare: Empower users by allowing them to compare multiple products at once, enhancing their decision-making process. 
  3. Visible Compare Button Across Pages: Ensure accessibility by displaying the compare button on Product Single Pages, Shop Pages, and Archive Pages, providing users with a consistent experience. 
  4. High Responsiveness: Ensure a seamless experience on every device with the plugin's highly responsive design, catering to users across various platforms. 

7. Product Feed PRO for WooCommerce from WordPress: 





Step up your comparison game with lively product feeds. Always stay in the know, ensuring your users get the latest info at their fingertips. 

 Today , where every detail matters, having a tool that not only keeps up but goes above and beyond is a game-changer. Meet Product Feed PRO for WooCommerce, a powerful plugin loaded with features to take your affiliate website to new heights. Let's explore all the cool things this dynamic plugin brings to the table. 


  1. Unlimited Number of Products and Feeds: Easily manage and showcase an unlimited array of products on your affiliate website. Create multiple feeds, tailoring each one to specific product categories or promotional campaigns. 
  2.  100+ Pre-configured Product Feed Channel-Templates: Gain access to over 100 pre-configured templates tailored for approximately 200 countries. Effortlessly expand your affiliate reach globally with templates optimized for various marketplaces. 
  3.  Intuitive Interface: Navigate the plugin seamlessly with a user-friendly and intuitive interface. Effortlessly configure and manage your product feeds with no steep learning curve. 
  4.  Product Variations/Variables Support: Showcase the diversity of your affiliate products by highlighting variations and variables. Ensure that users get a comprehensive view of product options within your product feeds. 

8. Advanced Product Fields (Product Addons) for WooCommerce from WordPress: 

Go above and beyond with special fields and choices! Make your affiliate product listings unique, giving users a personalized and super cool comparison experience. It's all about making things smooth and personal. Today, we're excited to highlight the Advanced Product Fields (Product Addons) for WooCommerce – a game-changer that goes the extra mile. Let's find out what makes this plugin awesome, turning your WooCommerce backend into a powerhouse that's easy to use and brings a smile to your face! 


  1. Intuitive Backend Builder: Resembles Advanced Custom Fields for a familiar and user-friendly experience. 
  2. Conditional Logic: Show/hide fields dynamically based on other input fields, enhancing user engagement. 
  3. Price Customization: Increase the final product price by adding a flat fee based on field value(s), providing flexibility in pricing. 
  4. WooCommerce Tax Compatibility: Seamlessly integrates with your WooCommerce tax settings for accurate and hassle-free transactions. 
  5. Optimized for Speed: Surpasses competitors in speed, ensuring a swift and responsive user experience.  

9. CompareAzon: 

For those affiliated with Amazon, CompareAzon is a game-changer. Create detailed comparison tables that encourage users to make well-informed decisions about their Amazon purchases. This WordPress product comparison plugin not only transforms your affiliate website but also adds cool features for a better user experience.


  1.  Gutenberg Block Integration: Add comparison tables effortlessly into any page or post using Gutenberg Blocks, simplifying the integration process for even the non-tech-savvy users. 
  2. Custom Comparison Tables: Easily create custom comparison tables featuring handpicked Amazon products, tailored to suit your audience's preferences. 
  3. Flexible Product Embedding: Embedded products either by ASIN or Keywords, offering flexibility and convenience in showcasing a wide range of Amazon offerings. 
  4. Intuitive Drag and Drop Functionality: Enjoy a user-friendly experience with Drag and Drop features for easy customization and arrangement of products within your comparison tables. 
  5. API Key-Free Embedding: Embed Amazon products without the hassle of obtaining an API key, streamlining the integration process for a hassle-free user experience. 

10. WooCommerce Product Compare: 

Simple yet effective, this plugin effortlessly fits into your WooCommerce-driven affiliate website, providing a dependable solution for seamless WordPress product comparison plugin. 

The WooCommerce Product Compare plugin stands out as a revolutionary tool, reshaping how users engage with product comparisons. Let us explore its feature-packed universe, dissecting each aspect that positions it as an essential tool for every affiliate marketer. 


  1.  Comparison Table for Product Single Page: Effortlessly generate dynamic comparison tables for products, saving time and ensuring accuracy. 
  2. Flexible Field with Ordering: Customize fields effortlessly and order them based on your preferences, ensuring a user-friendly experience. 
  3.  Fully Responsive & Mobile Friendly: Guarantee a seamless user experience across all devices with a fully responsive and mobile-friendly design. 
  4.  Shortcode Generator: Simplify the integration process with a shortcode generator, allowing you to effortlessly embed comparison tables into your affiliate website. 

11. Orion Product Comparer for WooCommerce

Orion Product Comparer is modern, sleek, and easy to use, bringing a fresh style to WordPress product comparison plugin. Boost the look of your affiliate website and give users a memorable experience. 

 With the increasing demand of digitalization, It's vital to offer customers detailed product info. With Orion Product Comparer for WooCommerce, you not only change how customers compare products but also help them make decisions. Let's check out the awesome features that make this plugin a must for your affiliate site. 


  1. Product Comparison Attributes: Create a personalized set of attributes for comparison. Utilize WooCommerce native data such as product price, images, descriptions, and more as comparison attributes. These attributes form the basis of side-by-side comparisons in the detailed comparison table. 
  2. Comparison Button: Streamline the comparison process with a dedicated button on each product page. Customers can effortlessly add products to their comparison list with a single click. This feature facilitates a dynamic and user-friendly comparison experience. 
  3. Side by Side Comparison Table: Immerse your customers in a well-detailed table showcasing both the differences and similarities of the compared products. The table provides a holistic view, enabling customers to make informed decisions when navigating your store. Enhance user engagement and satisfaction with this visually appealing and informative display. 
  4. Similarities and Differences Filters: Tailor the comparison table to meet the specific needs of your customers. Choose to display only the similarities or differences of the compared products. This customizable feature ensures a personalized and efficient comparison experience. 

Best WordPress Theme for your Product Comparison Website 

The Price Comparison WordPress Theme is an excellent website template designed specifically for creating exceptional price comparison sites. Catering to both experienced affiliate marketers and dynamic e-commerce business owners, this theme is the ideal choice for highlighting affiliate products from major platforms like Amazon, eBay, Flipkart, Walmart, and more. With dynamic and feature-rich elements, it provides a thorough price comparison on single product pages, ensuring users have access to the latest pricing data. The theme also includes a dedicated WordPress product comparison section with detailed product attributes for a comprehensive comparison experience.

Noteworthy features like the tab menu enhance site navigation, allowing users to seamlessly switch between sections. Apart from its advanced functionalities, this WordPress theme exudes professionalism, establishing a sense of reliability and credibility that is crucial for boosting user confidence and conversions. Additionally, the Price Comparison WordPress Theme ensures regular updates to stay compatible with the latest WordPress versions, guaranteeing a secure and efficient website. Backed by dedicated customer support, assistance is readily available for any customization or technical challenges you may encounter.  


In the competitive field of affiliate marketing, providing users with an effective product comparison plugin option is a smart strategy. The plugins mentioned not only improve the functionality of your affiliate website but also enhance the overall user experience. By integrating these tools, your website becomes a trusted resource for making informed purchase decisions. This not only increases your affiliate commissions but also builds lasting credibility with your audience. Stay ahead of the competition by incorporating these top-notch WordPress product comparison plugin into your affiliate marketing toolkit. 

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