Create Woocommerce Product Listing Page Template in 5 Steps

Create Woocommerce Product Listing Page Template in 5 Steps

What Is (PLP) Product Listing Page All About?

In today's topic of woocommerce product listing page template, A product listing page or PLP is basically a website page that displays a list of different products depending on the search query or a category. In e-commerce, the businesses that have a wide range of products and services to sell to customers, this page is a must and is also considered as a key element of Electronic Commerce experience since it accurately guides the website visitors to product detail pages and also brings them closer to the conversation, another important element on e-commerce shopping platform.

PLP or Product Listing Page is a key part of the woo-commerce product listing page template that helps businesses to offer a better shopping experience to users all the time. Have a look at our WordPress themes. All of them are responsive WordPress themes.

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Create Woocommerce Product Listing Page Template

Product Listing Pages are mostly referred to as ‘category pages’ since they have better metadata and as every product is linked back to the category page, they can strongly impact the Search Engine Optimizations ranking as well as internal link building approaches. Presently, a wide range or majority ecommerce traffic is sent to this product listing page from email campaigns, advertisements in different formats, or through social media. Hence, it is essential to make sure the Product Listing Page is cautiously designed for,

  • Market product discovery
  • Promote user engagement, and
  • Reduce the time required for purchasing products.

Currently, the digital platforms are increasing day-by-day due to higher penetration of promotion campaigns and the attraction of customers towards them. Most of the marketing campaigns are done using woocommerce product listing page template with social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, videos through YouTube, and more. With more than thousands of potential products that are listed, the users are able to scroll quickly and easily find their required products efficiently. This also includes perfect scrolling as well as proper sorting of products through the results displayed. Also, learn the Issues Of WordPress Themes with VWTHEMES.

Why Is The Use Of ‘Product Listing Page Design’ Increasing On A Daily Basis?

Firstly, let us read about Product Listing Page Design and its benefit to businesses and end-users. Currently, there is a wide range of techniques to improve a website’s product listing pages using better personalization and optimization. This eventually helps the website visitors or the customers to shorten the suggestions of a given selection and find the best product among others at a reasonable.

Moreover, another reason for increased online shopping is relatively low prices of products and constant notification of the updates regarding the purchased product that comprises its tracking with date and time. A business can also deliver personalized category experiences through deep learning and make more from self-training. This will ultimately display the most relevant services and products to the customers and help the business flourish in the best manner.

8 Components Of A Product Listing Page (PLP) On Any Online Retail Site

  • Name Of The Category

The top navigation menu is fixed in all the web site's pages and mainly on a product listing page, the design element is specially added to focus on the category in product listing page that finally helps businesses to fix and show better orientation to customers and keep them engaged until they find the required product.

  • Usefulness Of Breadcrumbs

Breadcrumbs help businesses to display the main category and the sub-categories of product lists belonging to the particular category. The customers can then easily navigate as they want to between various PLPs for deep and better browsing.

  • Uniqueness Of PLP Page Name

Every Product Listing Page’s name is usually placed in every category section or on the top of the page for a better understanding of customers.  Moreover, an increasing number of products that match the product listing page criteria is usually placed at a particular location on the website’s page.

  • Use Of Soft Menu

Website designers can shift through the listed products on the Product Listing Page with the help of a dropdown menu. This menu shows different sorting options including Price, Features, High to Low, the Latest Products, and more

  • About Pages

In woocommerce product listing page template, users can easily browse through numerous pages. And if sufficient Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) match the criteria of product listing pages with this superb navigational element on site. In addition to this, the website will also offer the option to view products by 20, 50, or also 1000+ products per page. Which will eventually offer the best flexibility for customers depending on their selective browsing technique.

  • Assistance Of Browse By

If any Product Listing Page has sub-category pages below, visitors and customers can easily navigate to move any particular category pages with the help of this menu bar.

  • Working Of Filter Menu

The filter menu displays unique filtering options for further refining of product listing pages. It makes use of attributes like style, color, price, in-store availability, brands, and lots.

  • ‘Product Details’ Option

Under every product on a Product Listing Page, brands usually comprise the name of the product, its price, and the colors available. Designers also have the option of displaying if any specific product is out of stock. Or the product in a particular color is not available, and also the status of the arrival of new product.

Most of the online business owners display the option of ‘Quick View’ function, immediate hover. The customers can choose to open a popup and scroll through other images and also find out details of more products while staying on the same woocommerce product listing page template. Along with you can also have a look at our top WordPress themes for unique design and greater support.

How To Create Woocommerce Product Listing Page Template In WordPress Website?

WooCommerce, one of the powerful and prominent tools to make ecommerce website is today available with multiple wonderful features to create an appealing and engaging website in WordPress. With plugins, blocks, extensions, and more, WooCommerce allows fabulous display options of products and easily converts them to leads.

A quick go-through for the creation of a website with woocommerce product page template customization as well!

  • Installation

Buy and install WOO Product List Design/Product Grid from the marketplace on WordPress site. The procedure is the same as other plugins are installed. In case of doubts, the documentation will help efficiently. Now activate the plugins and begin...

  • Adding New List Design/ Product Grid

When the plugin is successfully activated, ‘List Design/Product Grid’ will appear on the left menu of the dashboard then continue. This will bring you to the listing page, wherein all designs of products created by you are stored properly. Apply shortcode available to add the current designs of products on WordPress. Now, go to the ‘Add New’ button to create a fresh product design.

  • Customizing

After the above two steps, the screen will show the settings page of the selected plugin. This will comprise all the options you require to make a fresh product design for your WooCommerce Store. But, make sure before doing this, you give a suitable title to the fresh product list as well. In case of doubt regarding any of the features, its documentation is always ready to help. The plugin is categorized into 8 different sections mentioned below:

Post Settings allows designers to configure categories, accessible posts, search for keywords, and custom fields. You can also display them on posts and arrange them as you want. The layout settings option enables you to select templates and layouts for products (list or grid). There are several options in both, templates and layouts. General settings allow the user to configure general options. On exploring, you can freely change anything you wish to. Product settings enable users to configure options for WooCommerce products like wish-list, prices, and ratings.

The ribbons or the banner settings part enables users to put emphasis on things like latest trend, discounts, offers, and more. Pagination settings option help users to set woocommerce product listing page template pagination to categorize products on different pages. With the social share option in woocommerce product page template customization. Users can share their products on different social media platforms to expand connections. Lightbox settings option help designers to turn on the lightbox for the website’s products for displaying them with detail by just clicking on it. You can also add different customized labels for lightbox and choose any 4 available lightbox templates. Having this done, you will have your hands on woocommerce product page template customization.

  • Making Live Woocommerce Product Design

After the completion of the configuration of the website’s product list, just click on the preview button to take a short tour of the products list. Check again whether everything is as per your requirement. If not, again follow the procedures. Once you feel every element and everything is in its place, click on the ‘PUBLISH’ button. This will make the product list ‘LIVE’ on the website. If you are still not sure, you can click on ‘SAVE DRAFT’ to save your product list and make it live when you want to.

  • Add Product Design Through Shortcode

The last step of woocommerce product page template customization is adding the product design through a shortcode. Once your website’s Product design is published, copy the created shortcode from List Design / Product Grid use. Now simply paste it on the desired post or page to display the product list. At last, rechecking all the things is also essential. Do this until you are completely satisfied.


Since the digital market is blooming speedily, it is important to make ecommerce websites more user-friendly and secure, especially while making payments. So avoid including all in one and focus to make it simple yet graceful to visit again and again. Explore your website’s product Listing Page settings. make the best amendments and let woocommerce product listing page template become an important part of your website.

To assist you more with this or if you still have any related queries, you are free to use VWthemes and make your website the most outstanding one. On VWthemes you will find all types of WordPress themes you will ever need for creating any website.


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