How to Integrate Woocommerce Instagram Shop in Simple Steps?

How to Integrate Woocommerce Instagram Shop in Simple Steps?


Who doesn’t know about Instagram and its uniquely designed place to blog and do business? You must be one of them using Instagram, but do you know about Instagram Business? I guess you haven't, but this blog will tell you right. 

With billions of active users, Instagram brought its most wonderful feature for the business arcade. Businesses can now drag their products to this outstanding platform easily. This is a perfect place to start marketing as a startup and bring up the best of your business. Instagram is a place where creativity meets innovation using media. So, through innovative media collection, you can bring your business ideas easily. 

Wait, there is something hidden for existing businesses too. If you have a Woocommerce website, it can be connected easily with Instagram. Just like your e-commerce store can be associated with Facebook, it is possible to communicate with Instagram too. And let me break the bars: this integration is a gate to wider sales and more audience interaction. So, are you ready to know about Woocommerce Instagram Shop integration in this blog? Let’s hear it out. 

What is Woocommerce? 

Woocommerce is the most wonderful creation for building an e-commerce website. One of the most popular tools is here to bring out the best in online selling. 

Woocommerce is even used as a tool and an outbound plugin in the WordPress directory. Building an e-commerce website becomes pretty much easier when you have WooCommerce. It even comes integrated with various themes and plugin boosters. 

Woocommerce has spread to a wider extent since its existence. It can be integrated with any of the social media platforms encouraging online sales and safe purchasing. This is why, today, almost every online seller is getting attracted to Woocommerce. 

What is Instagram Shopping? 

Let’s not stretch it; Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms till now. People are now more on Instagram, sharing big and small experiences by just posting stuff. 

The reason it has the most dignified and modern features for posting stuff. One feature that takes a major run is Instagram shopping. 

You have learned about shopping on Facebook and even Instagram. Shopping has come a mile away today. This feature allows you to post pictures and tag products and their detailed links on that post. Visitors looking to buy the stuff can simply tap on the post, and a popup with the tagged products will display with the purchase link. 

Users can decide the specific area of the photo to add the product link along with placing multiple products. 

Why Should You Sell Woocommerce Products on Instagram? 

Instagram, being one of the best platforms to socialize, spreads its waves for business freaks too. This is not just made for social butterflies, content creators, or photographers; it can be a great place for businesses too. 

Marketing your products becomes way more efficient as you can easily connect with people worldwide. You just need to post and share it with the maximum audience. 

Even those industries with lower payloads are heading towards Instagram to get their ventures to better modes. What matters to market or grab users to your site is the creativity level. Your way to present or market your business must reach a high level of creativity, and you will see users getting attracted. 

Nowadays, people tend to discover new stuff and their desirable items easily on Instagram. Sellers from worldwide have placed their ventures well through it. So, why not you? Woocommerce Instagram Shop is an open gate to so many opportunities to strengthen your venture in no time. 

Requirements for Woocommerce Instagram Shop:

Before we step into getting your Instagram business on board, you need to ensure these requirements:

  1. The first and foremost thing you need to know about setting up the Instagram business is location spread. As for 2024, Instagram asks you to locate your business in regions like North America, Europe, Asia, and more. 
  2. Ensure your store is ready to sell physical products and not eBooks and online courses. 
  3. You must own a personal and professional Facebook account. 
  4. You must own an Instagram business account. 
  5. You must agree with Facebook's policies of selling no body parts, alcohol, or other non-viable supplements. 

How to Connect Woocommerce Shop to Instagram? 

Finally, we are there to start connecting your Woocommerce Instagram Shop with simple steps to follow. It seems a lengthy process, but you will enjoy following up. 

Step 1: Setup WooCommerce

Those who don’t own WooCommerce will first need to install and activate it on their online stores.

  • For this, visit the Plugins section under the WordPress admin area and tap the Add New option. 
  • After this, search the Woocommerce plugin and quickly install it. After installation, tap the Activate button, and you have Woocommerce on your site. 
  • After activation, you will reach the setup wizard, where you need to put in your store’s address, industry, product type, business details, and more. 
  • Also, you can set up the payment method required to run your online store. 

Then you need to choose a suitable theme for your WooCommerce store. As it plays a vital role in getting a mesmerizing appearance and functionality. When choosing a perfect theme for your woocommerce site, you need to be a little picky. Searching for the right theme for your site is the primary aspect you need to do. Among so many platforms selling out their outstanding themes, finding the right place is a crucial task. 

VW Themes is the perfect place you must land your searches on. Premium WordPress themes built by VW Themes are a complete treasure for website design. Their themes are superior in functionality, appearance, and much more. These themes have responsive design, creative visualization, lots of custom features, and the list goes on. You will never find such amazing themes for your site. Out of so many Woocommerce-oriented themes, you can go for any of the theme to create your Woocommerce Instagram Shop website

Step 2: Setup Facebook Account and Create a Facebook Page for Your Business 

The next step tells us to create a Facebook account along with a business page. Most of them already own a Facebook account, and those with no Facebook account can create one using "”. By simply following the form details, you can create a Facebook account. After this, you need to create a page for your business, which can be done by visiting the menu section. 

Under the menu section, you can see a “+” sign with “create a new profile or page” button. Simply tap it, then choose the public page option, which is for businesses, creators, and organizations. 

After this, hit the Get Started button, and the next page will ask you to enter the name of your page. Now, you are asked to enter the category of your page, which can be a personal blog, product/service, art, or musician. 

Simply choose one and finally tap the Create button. 

After this, you need to enter general details like your bio, website URL, email, phone number, and more. On the next page, you can add a profile image along with a cover image for your page and tap Next.

The next page will ask you to invite some of your friends to visit the page and finally tap the Done button. 

Congratulations! You own a Facebook page for your business. 

Step 3: Create a Business Manager 

The next step is to create a business manager for your business page. You need a separate business manager for your business page where all people can work in a single place. 

Also, this Business Manager account will help in assigning catalogues for your business. 

Listing your shop products becomes easier when you have this business manager account. Also, selling and advertising the items becomes easier. 

To create a Business Manager account, you can use the Meta platform. Here, you can directly log in using Facebook and follow the steps to create a Business Manager account. 

Step 4: Create a Catalog 

After creating a business manager account, it's time you need to create a catalogue for your Woocommerce Instagram Shop. To create a catalogue for selling on Instagram and Facebook, there is a brilliant tool named “Commerce Manager." Along with your online store, you can sell and manage inventory on Facebook and Instagram. 

Once you are on the Commerce Manager website, tap the Get Started button and then choose the “Create a Catalog” option. 

Then choose e-commerce, and on the next page, you will have to select the upload method. Under the Upload Method, you need to choose the “Connect E-commerce Platform."

On the same page under the E-commerce Platform dropdown list, select "Ecommerce”. 

The next step tells you to download the plugin by following the instructions to get the Facebook Pixel Extension installed. 

Simply download the plugin, install it, and activate it on your WordPress website. Once you are done activating the plugin, you can now head back to Facebook and tap the Continue button. You need to keep tapping the Continue button until you reach the confirmation page. 

After this, you will receive a confirmation message that your Woocommerce Instagram Shop catalogue has been linked with Facebook.

You need to now move to link with Instagram. 

Step 5: Open the Instagram app and link your Facebook account. 

To link your Facebook account with Instagram, visit the Instagram app and move to the Settings panel. Here, you need to tap the Accounts Center at the bottom. 

By tapping the Add Accounts button, you can add your newly created Facebook account by adding the vital details. 

Step 6: Sign up for Instagram Shopping 

The next step is to sign up for Instagram Shopping. For this, again visit the Settings panel and tap the Business option. After this, tap the Setup Instagram Shopping at the end. 

On the next screen, tap “Add a Shop to your Profile” and then the Get Started button. 

After this, follow the steps and put in all the details, and Facebook will approve your request in a few days. 

Step 7: Create an Instagram Post and Tag your Products. 

Once you have known that your Instagram Shopping account has been placed right, you can now start selling. 

What you need to do is post a photo on Instagram and tap the Tag Products. You need to hit the product area of the photo and choose from your catalogue. 

But you need to ensure that the product has a clear display and avoid adding so many products. 

And this is how you can connect the Woocommerce product catalogue with Instagram. Users visiting your post can easily tap on the post and see a popup with the products tagged in it. Adding too many products in a single post can eventually create confusion and make it hard to navigate. Also, Instagram adds multiple images, just like a product gallery, where you can put two or three products in a single image. We know you must have a lot of products to add, but it is recommended to post two or three photos in a day. For even better Instagram feed management and product showcasing, you can checkout our previous blog that has listed some of the best Instagram feed plugins for WordPress to manage your product feed for your Woocommerce Instagram Shop.


So, it was a completely thrilling guide on how to connect to a Woocommerce Instagram shop. The above blog shows the simplest way to connect your Woocommerce store to Instagram. This is how you can bring milestones for your online stores. Getting your site connected with Instagram is itself a big thing and comes with lots of benefits too. 

Instagram forms a complete community for shoppers to easily buy and sell stuff by simply posting. Yes, once you have connected your store, you can simply upload posts and tag products for users to buy. Also, this helps your store reach millions of users in no time, thus widening it. Still, you are thinking about it? Skip your thoughts and start connecting your online store with Instagram. Also, even if you are a startup, it becomes easier to launch your brand on it. 

Remember, a visually appealing store is crucial for attracting customers. To take your online presence to the next level, explore the WP Theme Bundle by VW Themes. This collection offers a variety of premium, visually stunning themes specifically designed to optimize your WooCommerce store and ensure a seamless shopping experience for your customers. Make the most of your Instagram Shop and watch your business flourish!

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