Ready to Make Waves? Master Video Marketing on Social Media

Ready to Make Waves? Master Video Marketing on Social Media

Telling a story through video rather than photo will always remain a foolproof way to grab eyes. Why, you ask? It is because as social media platforms have facilitated easy media sharing, marketing strategies have gone from putting effort into writing great copies to creating videos that keep the viewers hooked to their phone screen.

With Instagram and TikTok emerging not just as social media platforms but also as great  marketing platforms, fishing for viewer’s attention through stale photos is talk of the past. Thumb-stopping, repeatedly-played viral videos are now an asset for businesses looking to create a visual impact. 

Are you also looking to make your businesses’ Instagram reels go viral? With this guide, it is just a matter of time before your videos go viral. This blog is your handbook to create visual treats, and master the art of video marketing on social media.

We will be starting with the basics and then covering the strategies, so you know all you have to, without going elsewhere.

What Is Social Media Marketing?

Social media platforms, initially intended to share photos with friends and family, have made their way to being the most widely used marketing medium. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok lets businesses connect with their customers while also promoting their brand, services and products. There are many benefits of social media marketing that can help you grow your business.

Think of social media as a huge gathering where people chat, share photos and videos, and talk about their favourite things. Businesses join this party by creating profiles and sharing posts that tell people about their products, services, and stories. They might post pictures and videos of new, best-selling items, share exciting news, or even run contests to get people excited.

Social media marketing runs on a vision of brands wanting to build relationships with customers. When people like what they see, they might follow the business, share posts with their friends and family, or leave nice comments. Taking it a step further, customers can even DM the brands regarding any query they have about the services or products offered. 

Community building has become a far bigger priority for brands than just the traditional need of advertising. Businesses listen to what customers have to say, respond to their questions, and learn what people like or want. This helps them improve their products and services over time as feedbacks are coming in easily without putting any extra effort.  

What Is Video Marketing?

Marketing using videos on social media platforms is a step forward in the world of social media marketing. With the ever changing digital world, video marketing has emerged as a powerful way businesses are using to connect with their viewers. This involves promoting the products, services, and telling the businesses’ story through videos. The process involves shooting, editing and sharing the video on social media platforms. 

Imagine watching a short film that shows how a new gadget works, or a fun clip that introduces a company's team members and its values. That's video marketing on social media! It helps businesses showcase what they have to offer in a more dynamic and engaging way than just the traditional media of words or pictures.When people watch videos that resonate with them, they're more likely to remember and trust the brand behind it. This can lead to increased sales and loyal customers over time. 

Businesses’ make use of platforms like YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, TikTok, Snapchat to do video marketing. This change is recent and is here to stay for a long time. This is because statistics show that videos have the power to grab attention when words and even photos can’t. Videos are also helpful in conveying a lot of information in a short span of time. Video marketing is a great promotion idea when the world suffers from decreased attention span.

Why Opt For Video Marketing On Social Media?

Let us have a deeper look at all the benefits that come with creating videos for social media as a marketing tool.

1. The Attention Seeker

Videos have a reputation for grabbing attention, even when unintended, because of its ability to tell a story. This is the best way a business can create awareness about themselves in the market. Video content is a great way to inform and keep your followers entertained, while also allowing you to talk about your products or services.

Video marketing establishes an emotional connection by conveying stories. This eventually resonates with your followers who are your future customers. Variety in content helps hold the viewer’s attention. And social video marketing can take many forms- text posts, photos, long format and short format videos. Keep playing with these and target your audience in multiple ways to keep them engaged and interested in your brand. 

2. The Trusted One

In a world full of constant digital scams, transparency and authenticity is most valued. Video content helps build trust and authority. One video idea is to post behind-the-scenes videos of your backend process, this lets viewers have an insight into your brand. Seeing faces behind the brand and hearing their stories makes people resonate with the business, which leads to increased brand loyalty. 

3. Always On The Go

People are always on the go, going from one place to another, consuming content. The devices almost always accompanying them are their phones and tablets. Video marketing on social media has made consuming content a quick and an easy source of entertainment. 

Video marketing on mobile solves this problem by allowing users to watch videos on their mobile phones whenever they wish, wherever they are. This convenience feature makes mobile marketing appealing to brands who want to reach people who are constantly busy.

Videos are also easier to consume than reading text. Mobile phone users may also find it difficult to read lengthy posts on their small screens.  Watching videos can be far more engaging and entertaining.

4. The Favoured One

Social media marketing works on algorithms. Whatever the algorithms favour, reaches more people. Social media platforms’ algorithms favours videos. As understood by marketers, studies show that videos with special effects, great storytelling, trending music, and fun filters perform well as compared to photos. 

When viewers come across videos they find interesting, they share it with their friends and followers, which increases the number of views, shares, comments, and likes. This makes videos go viral as the algorithm understands that this certain video is getting the needed engagement and that viewers are enjoying viewing it. 

Video Ideas for Social Media Marketing

There are countless video ideas businesses can produce that serve varied purposes and are of interest to their diverse followers base. We have compiled a list of a few video ideas every business should make use of. 

1. About Us Videos

About Us videos are a great way to inform viewers about business that viewers otherwise would not have knowledge about. You can include videos of who the team members are, how the company started, the vision and mission of the business establishment, how certain products came to being, videos on various employees and what they think about the company, etc. These videos add faces to the brand, building a connection. These also distinguish your brand from the competition and make you stand apart. 

2. Product or Service Videos

Your shop/store can only hold the physical product. Your social media platforms talk about these products in detail, highlighting its features. Product or services videos act as visual FAQ and as demos explaining how products can be used to make user’s lives easier. It is an excellent video idea to add user-generated content for video marketing on social media. These types of videos show potential purchasers how the product is used and enjoyed by others.

3. Informative Videos

These kinds of videos focus on educating your viewers on a certain topic rather than just promoting the product or service. You can provide valuable relevant information as per your audience’s interest. By doing this, you position yourself as a brand considerate towards its customers. 

4. Explained Videos

These videos help you establish why customers should choose your product or service over your competitors. These are especially effective in saturated markets where your brand needs exposure. This video marketing tactic on social media can also be used to address common objections and concerns customers might have. You can also use this to show product demos for your technically heavy tools. 

5. Behind The Scenes Videos

These videos provide an exclusive look into what goes behind the business, its processes, manufacturing, packaging, etc. These videos are typically not seen in traditional marketing. Viewers feel a personal connection as these are more likely intimate and unique videos. You could capture personality and quirks of those from the team who do not mind being on camera. You can also use these videos to highlight the company's culture and value. 

6. Interview Videos

Interviewing industry experts is another video idea you can make use of. When industry experts agree to appear in your videos, they impart their credibility to your brand and improve your strategy of video marketing on social mediaInterviews diversify  your content by showcasing various viewpoints. This variety keeps monotony at bay and keeps your audience engaged and interested.

7. Entertaining Videos

Develop your brand voice through entertaining videos. Entertaining videos include a range of content, from humorous skits to touching narratives. These videos offer an opportunity to establish your brand as lively and relatable, showcasing a distinct personality or sense of humor that helps create a unique brand identity. Entertaining videos are often highly shared by viewers with their friends and family. This expands your business's reach and visibility.

8. Testimonial Videos

Featuring happy customers in interviews enhances your business's authenticity and builds trust among your audience, encouraging viewers to purchase your products or services. Use customers who share their experiences with your product or services to create authentic content. Testimonials in video format act as social proof for your business, that increase conversions and bring in sales for your business.

9. Story Telling

Creative storytelling for video marketing on social media is a potent tool for forging an emotional bond with your audience. Crafting a compelling and distinctive narrative sets your business apart from the competition. Moreover, creative storytelling cultivates brand loyalty. When viewers are touched by a story, they are motivated to share it with their social circles, multiplying your business's visibility. Create enjoyable and innovative content. This fosters a community around your brand, encouraging viewers to become ambassadors for your products or services.

Strategies for Video Marketing on Social Media

Crafting a successful video marketing strategy involves understanding your audience, selecting the right platforms, creating engaging content, and leveraging analytics. By producing high-quality videos that resonate with your target audience, you can significantly boost brand visibility, drive engagement, and increase conversions. Premium WordPress themes can transform your website, providing the sleek layouts and functionality that drives more traffic.

1. Know Your Audience

Understanding your target audience is the most important step for video marketing.You won’t be able to create content that reaches your targeted audience if you do not learn what their interests are.  This is where crafting a customer persona becomes essential. A customer persona, also known as a buyer persona, offers a detailed portrayal of your ideal customer.

By developing a buyer persona, you gain profound insights into your market, enabling you to align your video marketing strategy effectively. For instance, if your target audience comprises millennials passionate about sustainable living, your videos could spotlight the eco-friendly aspects of your offerings. Alternatively, if you're targeting baby boomers fascinated by luxury travel, your videos might emphasize the high-end amenities of your resort or hotel business.

2. Pick Your Platform

The next important step is to know what platform your target audience is on. Each social media platform has its unique customer base depending on the type of content it offers. When deciding on platforms for video marketing on social media, you have a plethora of choices available:

  • Facebook remains a cornerstone for social media video marketing due to its vast user base of nearly 3 billion active users. Its algorithm favors live video, boosting visibility in user feeds. Engage your audience with real-time interaction through Facebook Live streaming, or share pre-recorded videos and Stories on your page.
  • TikTok is a rapidly expanding platform that offers businesses a unique opportunity to connect with a younger demographic. Its short-form video format and emphasis on creativity make it ideal for showcasing products and services in a dynamic and engaging manner. Success on TikTok depends on understanding its culture and crafting content that resonates with its audience.
  • YouTube is the world's second-largest search engine with over 2 billion users. YouTube is a powerhouse for social media video marketing. Despite the immense volume of content uploaded every minute, optimizing your videos with relevant keywords and ensuring high-quality production can help your content stand out and attract viewers.
  • Instagram, with its visually-oriented format and over 1 billion active users, offers various video features like Stories, Reels, and Live streams. These tools are invaluable for boosting engagement and raising brand awareness. Creating visually compelling content that aligns with your brand's identity and appeals to your followers is key to leveraging Instagram effectively for marketing purposes.
  • Pinterest is a visual discovery platform with a robust user base that values creativity and inspiration. With over 450 million monthly active users, it provides a unique opportunity to reach audiences seeking ideas and inspiration. Videos on Pinterest are made to be highly engaging, with options such as standard video pins, story pins, and promoted video pins. These formats allow businesses to showcase products, demonstrate DIY projects, or share informative content in a visually appealing way.
  • WhatsApp is usually thought of as a platform meant for communication through chats. This platform has more to offer. If used correctly, WhatsApp serves as potent video marketing on social media due to its extensive global user base and high engagement rates. You can leverage its direct messaging strengths  to share engaging video content, promoting products, services, or brand messages efficiently. Features like status updates and group chats help videos reach targeted audiences, building interaction and increasing brand visibility. Its simplicity of use and widespread usage makes WhatsApp an invaluable platform for businesses aiming to connect with audiences. .

3. The Before and The After

Planning both pre and post-production phases is crucial for effective video marketing on social media. Pre-production includes all planning and preparation before starting video shoot. This includes defining the video's purpose, identifying your target audience, and crafting a script or storyboard. It also involves choosing the video's tone and style, selecting shooting and lighting equipment, shoot locations, and scheduling (if any) actors or presenters.

Post-production, on the other hand, focuses on editing and finalising the video after filming. This stage involves editing the footage, incorporating music or sound effects, and enhancing the video with color correction, audio mixing, and text overlays or graphics. The goal is to ensure the video is polished and ready for upload across your social media channels.

With proper planning both pre- and post-production phases, you ensure your videos are not only engaging but also maintain a professional standard that relates with your audience.

4. The End Step

What is a good video without promotion? It will likely not reach your intended audience. Social media platforms have multiple ways you can make your videos reach the right viewers. One is making the use of the right hashtags and using trending music. Scheduling video for the right time depending on who your audience is another way to reach your potential customer base. Uploading video on the right time will maximise user engagement. 

Now that video creation is complete, it is time to put it out there for your social media followers to see. Features like scheduling the posts makes the media upload process hassle-free. Set your preferred date and time you want the video to go live, rest will be taken care of by the Schedule feature. Paid promotion and collaboration with influencers is another smart way to increase your brand visibility and brand credibility. 

5. Befriend Numbers

Once the video is out there and you plan on creating new content, it is important to see what content is performing and what content users are not engaging in. Track the performance of your videos by taking help from the marketing analytics tools provided by each social media platform.This data helps you reestablish your video marketing on social media to create more effective content in the future. Understanding analytics and crafting content accordingly improves conversions and click through rates. 


Video marketing has become an indispensable component of modern business success. Platforms like Instagram and TikTok have revolutionized content consumption, making video a cornerstone of effective marketing strategies. By crafting compelling narratives, building trust, and deeply understanding your audience, you can harness the immense potential of video to elevate your brand.

Successful video marketing on social media requires a strategic approach. Choosing the right platforms, creating engaging content, and leveraging analytics are essential for maximizing your impact. A well-executed video marketing strategy can drive significant brand awareness, foster customer loyalty, and ultimately, contribute to your business's overall growth.

To achieve optimal results, consider incorporating a WP theme bundle like ours into your strategy. Our bundle provides best designed layouts to give your website transformation and enhances your video marketing efforts and streamline your workflow.

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