Why WordPress? Top 7 Reasons to Choose WordPress Over Other CMS

WordPress is better than other CMS

Although selecting the type of CMS very much depends on the type of website (portfolio, blogging, eCommerce) you are going to create. WordPress is the popular choice but not the only CMS in the market. There are other CMS those creating the market and catering specific niches. In this blog we will be exploring top reasons to choose WordPress over other CMS.

What is CMS?

CMS is a Content Management System that is an application used for the easy development and customization of websites. Also, it manages the process of content publishing. There are the 3 main types of CMS in which you can develop your business URL.

  • WordPress
  • Joomla
  • Drupal

All these types are very easy to use. But WordPress has gained a lot of popularity than the other two systems. Basically, WordPress is used to create blogging websites. But it is also capable of developing other websites.

The world started using WordPress in 2003. Because it simplified the complex navigation menus and can provide a well-architect website publishing system. Within a very less time period, WordPress became popular. There are multiple reasons behind this.

In this article we will be discussing the reasons why WordPress is better than other CMS.

Since 2003, the business world is using WordPress as a content management system to create their corporate website till 2022. You can select any other CMS, so why WordPress?

One thing that is very important to note selection of the right CMS is an important step and challenging for a user who wants to construct a website for their official purpose or a personal online blog website.

In the modern digital era, people want a professional infrastructural providing system where they can find everything to make it non-conventional and stand out against the business competitors. For this instead of using the old traditional methodology for website creation, trending CMS platforms are in more demand.

A business person thinks that their website should look more captivating and serve the user with all the facilities so that they can get stuck to it and revisit your site constantly. The images, text, embedded videos, and other graphical elements must be placed in a well-arranged format.

Along with this, the site must get ranked at the top of search results. So it must be SEO-friendly. So from all this scenario, you must have got that the website should provide a complete package of advanced features and resources.

Why do we need CMS?

Because developing a website from the scratch with the help of complex codes and nested designs takes a lot of time and effort. Instead of this, CMS is considered to be an effective platform to create websites quickly with less effort.

It can handle all the complicated stuff related to infrastructure. In addition to this, CMS like WordPress enhances the performance of your site. It produces a responsive and completely customizable infrastructure where you can alter the designs. It helps to create an innovative website.

Instead of traditional web builder tools, new and modern technology can contribute more and you will get the best product from this. All these are the basic features of WordPress. Now let’s go through its details and understand why WordPress?

Why WordPress is better than other CMS?

Why WordPress is better CMS? and Why not Drupal and Joomla? What does make WordPress better that the other two other types? All three types of CMS are open-source. But More than 50% of business websites are developed in WordPress. Only 5% to 7% market is using Drupal and Joomla for website development.

You can see here, there is a great difference between the three types of CMSs. What must be the reason? What is so great about WordPress and not about Joomla and Drupal?

The main reason for using WordPress is its spontaneous and fully customizable behavior. It is the easiest management system that does not require deep technical knowledge for configuring a website. You can comfortably develop websites related to any type of business. It is a very trustworthy and supportive platform for blogging and e-Commerce online stores. Small firms can use this CMS for investing little amounts and minimum effort with easy installations.

In earlier times, WordPress was limited up to blog site development only. But now its scope and capability have been extended and it can create all types of websites. WordPress comprises different pre-signed Free WordPress themes, custom widgets, plugins, and many other technicalities which prove very important for advanced website development.

Reasons to Choose WordPress Over Other CMS

1. Fully Customized layout

The main advantage of choosing WordPress as a CMS is that, it has a completely customizable layout. Developers will get the complete freedom to apply their ideas and design as per their plans. Due to the personalization option, you can alter its design easily and try multiple design forms.

You can place all the design elements as per your choices and decision. It delivers an exclusive website that can easily compete with the other competitors.

2. Responsive layout

WordPress offers you responsive designs. It does not stick to a single frame and consistent display for one type of device. It means that the WordPress themes are flexible and can resize their display according to the screen size of any electronic device.

You can view the website built with WordPress on mobile and tablet in a proper design fitted on a screen. A flexible structure of all the WordPress themes permits you to see the websites on different devices hassle-free. It responds same on the tablet, laptops, and mobiles. Apart from this, advanced editors have come up with more advancements that can format your content with extra ease.

3. Easy-to-use

WordPress is a simple and easy-to-use CMS platform. It helps you to develop the site quickly. A non-technical person can also set up a website within 10 minutes. It has a fresh and friendly user interface. For a beginner developer, WordPress proved very easy to understand, easy to set up, and easy to update. The websites constructed with WordPress are very easy to manage and maintain.

4. Secure

Although WordPress is an Open-source CMS, it’s very safe and secure. Hackers cannot harm your system easily. It keeps your website secure from unauthorized access and fraudulent activities like cybercrime. WordPress provides you with multiple security plugins and advanced features for password protection that make your site secure.

5. SEO-friendly

Developing a site is a responsible task. Developed site marketing and promotion is a more difficult task. Making your site at the top of search results takes a lot of effort. WordPress is a system in which all the themes created are SEO optimized. It provides all the needed tools and plugins which are optimized and follows all the SEO guidelines. It improves your ranking on Google and other search engines.

6. Social Media links Integration

If you purchase any free or premium WordPress themes, you will find the social media icons integrated within the layout. It is a very important feature of WordPress. Due to the use of Social media links, you can connect with massive audiences worldwide. So it contributes to the global business expansion process.

7. Plugin Compatible

WordPress has a great collection of various plugins related to different functions. These plugins enable you to create eCommerce websites and online business store sites. You can develop other types of business sites too. But plugins play a vital role in producing eCommerce websites with secure payment gateways.

Final Thoughts

As we have studied the concept of CMS and the reasons for adopting WordPress as a platform than the other CMS. WordPress offers all the functionalities and advanced features that are necessary to deliver a perfect and performance-oriented website. It enhances the user experience for creating different types of websites. No other CMSs can provide this kind of characteristic.

So, while wrapping up the topic, we came to the conclusion, that WordPress is the best choice over other CMS. So if you planning to take your business online and looking for a page builder tool, we highly recommend the WordPress CMS and its customizable themes.

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