Know Everything About Email Blast Service


When saving time has become a priority in today’s time-constrained world. Marketers have shifted their efforts from sending out individual emails to using email blasts, to target a large audience at once, saving them a considerable amount of time. Reaching your audience effectively, can make all the difference in today’s competitively growing world. Whether you are looking to promote a new product, share important updates, or want to nurture customer relationships, email blasts services can help deliver your message straight to the inboxes of thousands of recipients with just a few clicks!

This blog helps you understand everything you need to know about email blast service and its service providers. If you are on a hunt for a tool that helps you reach a large user base, keep on reading to have all your questions answered. 

What Are Email Blasts?

Email blasts are marketing techniques where a single email is sent to a large group of recipients, simultaneously. Unlike personalized emails that are tailored to individual recipients, email blasts deliver the same message content  to everyone on the mailing list. This approach is usually used to make announcements, promotions, updates, or newsletters.

The main idea behind an email blast is to reach a broader audience quickly and efficiently. These emails may include a variety of content, such as promotional offers, event invitations, or industrial news. By leveraging email blast service, businesses can design eye-catching templates, segment their audience as per preference for targeted messaging, and track the performance of their campaigns through the help of analytics. Despite the broad reach, successful email blasts still require thoughtful content creation and strategic planning to ensure they engage their recipients and have achieved desired outcomes.

Checkout top email marketing platforms that we've listed in our previous blog.

Why Choose Email Blasts?

  1. Messages are delivered quickly to a large number of people, making it ideal for reaching a broad audience from a single campaign.
  2. This marketing method is generally cheaper than other traditional advertising means such as direct mail or print ads. It has minimal overhead costs, a great option for budget-conscious businesses. 
  3. Messages from email blasts services are delivered almost immediately, this allows real-time communication and quick information dissemination. 
  4. Metrics such as open rates, click-through rates and conversions are easily traceable through email blasts services. Refine your future marketing strategies using these analytics. 
  5. These service providers enable businesses to craft visually appealing messages through drag-and-drop editors, eliminating technical knowledge and designing skills.
  6. One major offering for which businesses choose email blasts is the automated scheduling feature. Plan and schedule email campaigns in advance, this removes manual intervention and ensures timely delivery of messages.
  7. Keep your audience informed and engaged via regular updates, promotions, and valuable content. This further enhances customer loyalty and retention.

How to Send Email Blast?

Big giants or small startups, all the companies alike are leveraging the power of email blasts. Your business can do so to by following a few simple steps:

Choosing the best email marketing for email blast service is the number one step. A good email blast offers various features that will streamline your work. A few features a good email marketing service should offer are- mailing list, segmentation of the list, and an option to send bulk emails.

Constant Contact, Brevo, Drip and ConvertKit are great options when it comes to sending out email blasts. For this tutorial, we will be using Constant Contact.

You can checkout more bulk email sending software in our previous tutorial where we have listed top 12 software that are perfect for your brand endorsement.

1. Create Email List:

  • Get started by visiting and signing up on the Constant Contact website. Create an instant account under the free trial that requires no credit card.
  • Once the account is created, Constant Contact dashboard appears on your screen. This is where you can manage email lists, see subscribers and will be able to send email blasts.
  • Creating an email list will help you have all your preferred contacts in one place when you want to use email blast service. It is a contact book of all your email subscribers and potential customers. 
  • Create an email list in Constant Contact by clicking on Contacts at the top menu bar, and then click on the Create List button, this will bring up a popup where you need to name your email list, end this by clicking on the Save button. Constant Contact has created your email list. 

2. Add Contacts to List:

  • Next, add contacts to your list by opening the new email list and clicking on the Add Contacts button.
  • You can add contacts by either entering it in manually, uploading it from a file, or importing it from your Gmail, Outlook or other accounts. 

3. Segmenting Email Subscribers:

  • This leads you to segmenting your email list, this step divides your email subscribers into smaller segments to send highly targeted email blasts. Segmentation could be done on various factors- gender, age, geographical location, interests, buying history, contact activities, and more.
  • Create segments in Constant Contact by clicking on Contacts menu, then click on the Segments tab, go to Create Segment option. Constant Contact lets you choose from a bunch of criteria. 
  • After following the above, a page where you can create an email segment as per your desired criteria, will show up.  
  • Segment the list by contact activity- emails sent, opened, clicked, or not opened. You could also include email subscribers by their contact details, job titles, city, country, etc. 
  • Once done, click on Save and Preview. Repeat the process to create more such segments. 

4. Create Targeted Email Campaign:

  • Next step is to create a targeted email campaign you will be using to send from your email blast service. Email campaigns can be created in multiple ways depending on the software you use. 
  • To do so in Constant Contact, go under the Campaigns menu and then go to the Create button. This is where you will see a bunch of campaigns you can create with Constant Contact. Select the Email option from the list.
  • This will bring you to a page with multiple pre-made templates readily available for use. You can view these templates individually or simply type relevant keywords to search for a preferred template. 
  • Choosing your preferred template from the list will take you to the Email Campaign Builder Page. Name this campaign as you like. 
  • Next, go to the Email Settings page to edit the email subject line, sender’s name and more such information. Go to Personalize option after. 
  • Here, you can select the first name or any other contact details you want to insert in your subject line. Generic terms like Customer, User, or Friend can also be used to address users whose names you can’t find. Click the Insert button once done with the above mentioned steps. 
  • Replace [[FIRSTNAME OR “customer”]] with the appropriate name or term.
  • Modify the From Name and From Address as needed. Click the Save button.
  • Customize the email body by clicking on any part of the email to edit or delete it. Drag and drop elements from the sidebar to adjust the layout.
  • Click on Preview to check how your email looks. If satisfied, click the Continue button.
  • Now is the final step in sending the email blast. Choose recipients from your email lists or segments. Decide whether to send immediately or schedule for later.

5. Measuring Email Blast Success

Measuring the blast results is the last but a crucial step in any campaign. This step helps you learn how recipients have interacted with your messages. Check email statistics by going to the Reporting section. Then, click on individual campaigns to see details like open rates, sent emails, bounces, and clicks.

You can improve deliverability through the following: 

  1. Regularly cleaning up your email list.
  2. Sending emails consistently (avoid big breaks in frequency).
  3. Using clear and honest subject lines.
  4. Ensuring your content is valuable to the recipients and engaging them with your brand. 

Best Examples of Email Blasts

Email marketing can be done in two ways- email blasts (broadcast emails) and triggered emails. 

In email blasts, you create a campaign manually and send it across to a large user base all at once, believing that a single message is helpful to every subscriber in the list. Email blasts are used to achieve specific purposes- you can not send a welcome email to existing old customers. 

On the contrary, triggered emails are automated to send the users once they take an action, example- sending a welcome email after a user subscribes to your newsletter. 

We have listed down on what occasions you could take help from email blast service:

1. Flash Sale 

When you decide to offer a flash sale, inform your subscribers about it through an email broadcast. Below are subject line examples you can use for flash email blast: 

  • [FLASH SALE] High-end Fashion Shoes Flat 60% off!
  • [LAST CHANCE] 40%-60% off sale ends in two days!

2. Even Updates

If you are hosting an online course, inform your subscribers using one of these options from subject line examples: 

  • LIVE Training: 10 steps to create a successful email campaign. 
  • Join us LIVE tomorrow at 3 PM for a FREE marketing master class. 

3. Product Launches

Want to announce a new product offering? Do so by sending out an email blast. Use email blast to segment your  list into two- one is of already purchased similar products’ customers, these customers are the ones who might be interested in your new product launch. Other, is of new subscribers who have never made a purchase earlier and you’d want to encourage them to purchase this new product. 

4. Newsletters

The most common communications that use email blast service are newsletters. Whether a news, a magazine, a web blog, a business newsletter or even a non-profit organization, your business can benefit from sending out email blasts to your subscribers about the latest news and industrial updates. 

Are Email Blasts Effective?

As we have seen above that email blasts have many benefits and are effective, some view them as outdated. This is because these bulk emails are often sent to everyone on the list without considering individual preferences or needs, making email blast service feel irrelevant to many recipients.

This lack of consideration leads to a few issues:

  1. Unsegmented Lists: Email blasts often hit everyone on your list, ignoring the fact that subscribers have diverse interests. This one-size-fits-all approach can miss the mark for many recipients.
  2. Untargeted Content: Sending the same message to everyone, without considering their interests and past interactions, can lead to higher unsubscribe rates. People don’t want to receive content that doesn’t interest them.
  3. Lack of Personalization: We all appreciate messages that speak directly to us. Generic email blasts that don’t include personal touches are more likely to be marked as Spam or end up going to the Deleted folder. 
  4. Unexpected Timings: Broadcast emails often catch recipients off guard, leading to a natural resistance to them.

Though email remains one of the most powerful marketing tools available today, it's important to adapt and use more targeted methods alongside it, like social media and pay-per-click advertising, for maximized engagement and better business growth through conversions. Our premium WordPress themes can help you create a strong online presence that complements your email marketing efforts.

Email Bombing 

A malicious tactic when the attacker floods a single inbox with a massive number of emails in a short period is what email bombing is. The aim remains to overwhelm the recipient, causing their email inbox to crash, and finally become unusable. A form of cybercrime, email bombing disrupts operations, creates chaos and eventually frustrates the recipient.  It’s important that organizations and individuals implement robust email filters and undertake security measures to dodge the risk of such attacks and maintain a healthy and secure email system. 


Email blasts remain a powerful and cost-effective marketing tool for reaching a broad audience. By utilizing email blast services, businesses can send bulk messages to thousands of recipients with minimal effort.  Features like customizable templates, list segmentation, and performance analytics that optimize marketing campaigns, are helpful for businesses of all sizes. Despite their benefits, email blasts must be handled thoughtfully to avoid any pitfalls such as irrelevant content, lack of personalization, and unexpected email delivery times. Effective use of segmentation and targeted messaging can significantly enhance user engagement and minimize email unsubscribe rates.

Businesses should also stay vigilant about potential security threats, such as email bombing, that can disrupt smooth operations and compromise system’s integrity. Implementing robust email filters and security measures is essential to safeguard against such malicious attacks.

Lastly, while email blasts offer considerable advantages, integrating them with other marketing strategies, such as social media and pay-per-click advertising, can provide a more comprehensive approach to audience engagement and customer conversion. Adapting to these modern marketing methods while making use of the strengths of email blasts will help ensure your marketing campaigns are both effective and well-received.

To streamline your email marketing efforts, consider using a robust email marketing platform integrated with a user-friendly website. Our WP theme bundle offers the perfect foundation for building a professional online presence that complements your email campaigns.

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