Best Checkout Page Design for Your WordPress Website



Is your online store getting drained with fewer sales and conversions? If yes, the checkout page might be creating an issue. 

Checkout pages are the final elements that help you successfully purchase a product on your website. Users reach this step when they like any product and decide to buy it. Even if they want to purchase the product, the cart can be abandoned just because of the poor checkout page. This is where you need to build trust and please users while they are on your website. Checkout pages have a significant impact, as they are the final page to win or lose a purchase. This blog is a complete guide to help you choose a best checkout page design. 

The Impact of Checkout Page Design on Conversion 

The checkout page gets into the light and plays the most important role when the user clicks to purchase your product. The user arrives at this point when they finally decide to purchase a product from your website. The checkout page is an integral part of completing or abandoning the purchase journey. It depends upon how the checkout page is designed, as it impacts a lot of the purchase. 

You have seen most of the time users just abandon their cart or purchases just because of the poor checkout page design. Here’s the recent study update about why people abandon their carts: 

  • According to a recent study, it is observed that most carts are abandoned due to extra costs such as shipping and taxes. 
  • Also, account creation is sometimes a trouble for users to complete the purchase, and thus they leave the purchase. 
  • Some users simply don’t trust the website to put on their credit card details, and they simply walk off. 
  • Checkout pages sometimes take too long to move to the next, and unfortunately, users can’t wait for a while and leave it. 
  • Sometimes, it's the website’s malfunctioning or crashing that prevents users from completing their purchases. 
  • Some of the users can’t complete their purchases just because the website doesn’t have their desired payment method. 

Practices for Enabling Best Checkout Page Design That Leads to Conversions 

Here are some best ways to boost your checkout page that leads to more conversions and sales: 

1. Enable Guest Checkouts 

This is the first practice that can help you boost conversions and more sales on your website. It is to enable guest checkouts where users can easily complete their purchases without any extra barriers. 

Without creating an account, guest checkouts help in completing the purchase easily. Users mostly prefer a faster and hassle-free shopping experience while purchasing. Guest checkouts do not require any extra account creation or barriers while purchasing. 

2. Enable Multiple Payment Options 

Enabling flexible payment methods is another way to boost conversions and the checkout page experience on your website. Users prefer their desired payment methods when they wish to purchase from your website. They need your website to have their desired payment method too. 

With this, you must enable multiple payment options like credit, debit, and digital wallets like Apple Pay, Google Pay, and PayPal. To boost flexibility, you must enable other secure payment gateway options like bank transfers and installment facilities. This helps in building trust among users so that they can easily complete their purchase with any payment option. 

3. Maintain Transparency About the Costs. 

It is seen that most of the carts are simply abandoned just because they find extra charges or taxation fees while purchasing. For this, you must ensure to maintain transparency by clearly displaying all the taxes and charges while purchasing. 

Hidden costs sometimes become barriers and frustrate users while purchasing. And what happens next is they abandon their carts and leave the purchase. This helps in building a state of reliability and honesty. 

4. Optimize Your Checkout Page for Responsive Design. 

Today, shopping is mostly preferred on mobile devices, so your checkout design must be responsive enough to load on mobile devices. In a recent study, it was found that 74% of the traffic comes from mobile devices, which leads to more conversions and sales. This is why it is highly advised to maintain a responsiveness even on best checkout page design

  • To ensure mobile checkout is a responsive design, you must make use of larger buttons that enable easy touch inputs and easy tapping functioning. 
  • Ample space must be ensured so that no accidental taps may occur and they choose the desired option. 
  • Also, the buttons are placed with sufficient touch target area so that users can easily interact with them.

5. Incorporate Trust Signs 

Trust is a big thing that grips users on your website and purchases. Displaying the SSL certificates, trust badges, and security icons can help in building trust among users. Also, it assures users that they can safely add their sensitive payment details to your website. 

6. Prioritize Your Customer’s Needs 

Customers are the primary role players on your website. It is vital to keep their needs on top priority when it comes to boosting checkout pages. This is where you need to follow certain rules and standards: 

  • Make sure your checkout page has descriptive and clear form fields that are easy to understand. 
  • Arranging the field labels logically makes it more reliable and easy for users to fill in the checkout details. What this means is you maintain the natural flow of interaction and users aren’t confused whether they’ve filled in the correct details. 

7. Include a Progress Indicator. 

This is a progressive stage where you indicate to users that they have filled in the correct details on the form. Most websites enable this feature so that whenever users enter any information, it indicates that they have entered it correctly. It mostly signifies a red and green colour; if the colour turns red after entering a detail, you have entered an incorrect detail. The same colour changes to green when you put in the correct detail and can move to the next step. 

In the case of the red indicator, it informs how to correctly enter the detail, which reduces complexity. 

8. Remove Distractions 

Users are attracted when your checkout page has zero distractions. You must avoid adding unnecessary ads, links, or other sorts of popups that are distractions for users.

No one likes interruption when they are in a process to purchase from your website. This is where you can win their hearts by designing clear, concise and best checkout page design

9. Add Data Validation and Notification. 

Data validation is another skilled fact that helps users whether they have entered correct details or not. Eventually, this feature displays an error when a user has entered an incorrect detail, notifying them to correct it. Furthermore, it notifies you with a message if you have completed the purchase. This action helps users ensure that their order is placed successfully. 

10. Send a Purchase Confirmation Email 

Once the purchase is completed, there should be a confirmation email sent to the user’s email address. What this contains is the necessary order details along with a tracking meter when they desire to know about their product. 

Also, it contains a purchase summary of their product details along with an option to cancel their product. This is not just a confirmation email but a way to express gratitude, thanking them for choosing your website. 

Some of the Best Checkout Page Design Examples 

Listed below are some of our best WordPress themes that have perfectly designed checkout page. These themes have responsive layout and compatibility with popular payment gateways. So let us delve into the list:

1. Furniture WordPress Theme 

The Premium Furniture WordPress Theme is stylish yet comes with a sophisticated design for online furniture shops. Businesses looking to build up their furniture brand can rely on this theme. 

Apart from its distinctive features and qualities, we are focusing on highlighting the best checkout page design. Let me disclose first that VW Themes shines out to offer the smoothest checkouts in their interfaces. The checkout page starts with two sorts of payment options to choose from. Either you can pay with ExpressPay with PayPal or you can simply choose other payment methods below. It includes adding credit card, debit, or any UPI payment options. Here, you need to add contact details along with the card number. The card number is again followed by the expiry date and the CVV number. Further comes the address line to which you need to add the right billing addresses. You can see how innovatively the checkout page is designed with a partitioned interface. The other part of the page comes with a section to enter the discount coupon, if any. At last, you can see there are helpful link buttons to help you with refunds, privacy, terms of service, and other contact details. 

2. Pet Shop WordPress Theme 

The Premium Pet Shop theme brings purpose to your offline pet shop. This is the way you can bring your store online with boosting qualities for your business. The theme is decked with so many attentive elements, like the interface, its functioning, and most importantly, the checkout page. 

When you have decided to buy this theme, simply tap the “Buy Now” link, and you will reach the most sophisticated and clean checkout page. You can see how simple and visually compelling it is designed so that users get their motives achieved right. The checkout page draws attention when everything seems smoother and faster. VW Themes has designed its checkout page design keeping users in mind. The interface is fast, responsive, and easy to run. Even beginners can easily use it without any expert help. It is decked with a clean chit of features where you need to put in vital details like billing address. Also, there is a discount section in which you can enter the discount coupon code, which will be applied to the payment. Once you have applied the discount and filled up all the details, the “Pay Now” button is at the end to complete your purchase.

3. Clothing Store WordPress Theme 

The Premium Clothing Store WordPress Theme is a stylish theme designed to build online clothing stores. This sophisticated theme is designed with full-feature interaction for online clothing and fashion stores. 

The design is made with super stylish and fabulous layouts so that more users can interact. To raise a purchase with this theme, it has the most sophisticated interface for the best checkout page design. The theme has a clean design that helps in purchasing faster than ever. The page is designed keeping responsive design in mind so that mobile users can easily make a purchase. It comes with a direct interaction of fields that helps in easy purchasing of the product. The first section comes with the contact section, where you need to enter the email for further updates or newsletters. It further lets you select the payment mode through which you can continue the purchase. Here, you can either choose to pay with UPI, PayPal, or any card. It additionally derives necessary links, such as the refund policy, privacy policy, or any terms of service, to help you with issues. Also, there is another section where you can put any coupon codes to get discounts on your purchase. That’s how VW lets make your purchase smoother and faster with its optimized checkout page. 

4. Price Comparison WordPress Theme 

This Price Comparison WordPress Theme comes with a modern and trustworthy place to start an e-commerce site. The theme is tailored professionally to support affiliates and marketplaces. With its tremendous features, it makes it much more effective for those looking to have a price comparison website. 

What makes it super-enhancing and powerful is its checkout page. This is where you need to make your visitors potential clients. Then let me know to you that the checkout page is perfectly designed keeping professionalism in mind. What users look for in a checkout page, VW Themes has it all. There is this clean and perfectly structured page where you can see distinctive sections to address every part of checkout. Here, you can see a clean and crystal view of the checkout page filled with the necessary details to add. There is this cart option to which you can easily add or remove items. You can simply choose which items to purchase and which not. Again, you can return to the website and add items to continue the purchase. 

5. Marketplace WordPress Theme 

The premium Marketplace WordPress theme is a dignified theme built for online e-commerce websites. The theme denotes that multiple businesses can easily sell their products without any extra party interference. Those who are looking to build an online marketplace must go with this theme. 

Now, the most important part is the best checkout page design, which weighs a lot when you have products to sell. When users finally decide to purchase any product from your website, they simply hit the Buy Now button to purchase it. Now the checkout page of this theme is designed to please users and successfully help in placing the order. The design is super spacious, clean, and easy to understand. It is made keeping responsive design in mind along with pushing more trustable features. Users having their desired payment options can easily find a sufficient one as it supports all sorts of payment options. Lastly, you can see there is a section where you can seek help with refunds, privacy, and other contact details. 

6. Toy Store WordPress Theme 

The premium Toy Store WordPress theme is crafted for online toy stores, kids' stores, and kindergarten websites. Those associated with such businesses can bring their ventures with this joyful and colourful theme. The theme features the most convenient and easy-to-understand layers to build your online store. What catches users’ attention is its checkout page. 

The checkout page is the last but most important stage where users have decided to complete a purchase. This is where you need to build their trust by giving them the most effective page to complete a purchase. VW has made it for the sake of users and their desires, planning every step perfectly. VW ensures that the checkout page is fully optimized and does not hurt or frustrate users while purchasing. It keeps all the fields aligned with each other to avoid confusion among users. Also, there are clean and sophisticated buttons used to avoid accidental touches on the form. You can see there is a section where users can put on coupon codes to unveil discounts while purchasing. Overall, it maintains clean and concise behaviour to build its brand. 

7. Jewelry WordPress Theme 

The premium jewellery WordPress theme brings you the most stylish way of presenting your jewellery business online. The theme is designed with a skilled range of features, templates, and layouts that come up with a superior website. 

What makes it more embracing is its best checkout page design, which users strive to reach when they decide to purchase. This page is designed with so many functionalities and practices, giving users a trustworthy way to buy a product. Checkout pages matter the most, as they are the incorporating elements for a purchase history. This is where you can win or break users to become customers. VW keeps its promise not only to give a superior website design but also to align the woocommerce checkout page. It is designed with the most responsive design so that mobile users can easily initiate a purchase. Also, the fields are drawn with clean and visible fonts that encourage users to easily complete their purchase. There is no sense of distractions or barriers allocated on this page so that it does not frustrate users. 

8. WordPress Ecommerce Theme 

The WordPress e-commerce theme is designed to give e-commerce businesses a place to begin their business journey. This is where you can build more sales with a website that draws users directly to your store. 

Talking about its more vital element, the checkout page keeps users sticking to your website. This is the page that VW has designed with precision, keeping users on top priority. The page is designed to align all the elements that make users want to complete the purchase. It comes with a clean and precise layer of sections that helps in effective purchase. There are multiple shipping and payment options, which makes it more trustworthy. VW incorporates SSL and other security features so that users can fill out their sensitive details easily. Also, you can choose to enter the discount codes that ease their carts while purchasing. 

9. Ecommerce WordPress Theme 

Here comes this e-commerce WordPress Theme built to embrace e-commerce businesses with a stunning website. Building a website for your online store is never a grudge when you have this premium theme. 

Apart from its skilled and optimized features, we are focusing on its checkout page. Here, the checkout page is designed to keep users on top. It has best checkout page design with all the necessary details without any extra distractive elements to add. No extra spaces or fields are added that hurt users while completing a purchase. The page is designed with streamlined sections of details that build trust among users. Also, there is a section where there are necessary supportive links that users can refer to. Overall, it maintains professionalism when it comes to purchasing a product from your website. 

10. Storefront WordPress Theme 

We have this Storefront WordPress theme that brings the most tailored features for an online storefront. This premium theme is a perfect place to start, even if you are a beginner. 

The premium Storefront WordPress theme has everything that defines an online storefront. But what makes it more powerful is its checkout page. Its checkout page is designed with superior features to add. This comes with a customizable interface that helps you add the necessary elements to complete a purchase. No need to put in any extra effort or developer help to build your checkout page. This page is fully optimized and responsive so that it perfectly blends with any screen you are working on. Also, the fields are placed with even spaces without any barriers to avoid accidental touches. 


Building an online store is not only about the store's products and their design. What makes it more powerful is its checkout page which helps in completing any purchase. Checkout pages play the most important role when you are aiming to build trust among users and make them potential clients. This single page can even win or break your website’s dignity among users. Most of the time, carts get abandoned just because of poor checkout pages. Here, in this blog, we have made it completely possible to help you build best checkout page design for your website. We have shed light on how it impacts your conversions or leads on your website. Then we have listed some of the best practices while building a checkout page for your website. Also, there are some of the best theme examples that have the best checkout pages. 

If you’re looking for themes that come with well-designed checkout pages, consider exploring a premium WP theme bundle. These bundles offer a variety of feature-rich themes, ensuring you have everything you need to create a professional and conversion-focused online store. Investing in such a bundle can save time and give you access to versatile design options that align perfectly with your brand’s needs.

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